NewsThe government does not plan to sell EPCG

The government does not plan to sell EPCG

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The government does not plan to sell the Electric Power Company of Montenegro (EPCG), said Minister of Energy and Mining Saša Mujović.

Commenting on former Prime Minister Dritan Abazović‘s statement that the sale of EPCG is the plan of current Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, he said that this is an absolute lie.

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Mujović, appearing as a guest on the show “At the end of the day”, said that EPCG is a family treasure of Montenegro and that he would not be part of a government that would sell that treasure at the beginning of its mandate.

“The prime minister pointed out that EPCG, as a very powerful company – in terms of the possibility of making a profit, has a way to issue its bonds and thus obtain loans on the most favorable possible terms – which it will later use for some new investments. And that is something that I also support”, said Mujović.

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“The sale of EPCG, by no means, but – I am telling you this now not as a minister, but as someone who is a professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, I would not be against it if some credible partner, some extremely good and respectable company engaged in the production of electrical of energy, enter and get some 10.20 percent, let’s assume, of ownership – to enter the management structure of EPCG”, said Mujović.

He said that he has such an attitude partly because, as he said, EPCG is a coin for bribery and the way politicians and the government are looking for ways and space to buy votes and increase the capacity of the electorate.

Mujović said that he is extremely against it.

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