NewsMontenegro invites Czech companies for major highway and railway projects

Montenegro invites Czech companies for major highway and railway projects

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Czech companies are encouraged to participate in the public tender for the construction of the Mateševo-Andrijevica highway segment, as announced by Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Filip Radulović.

During the inauguration of the Montenegro-Czech Republic business forum, Radulović outlined ambitious plans for Montenegro’s road infrastructure, with proposals to develop 480 kilometers of highways and expressways, totaling approximately 8 billion euros.

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Highlighting the pivotal Bar-Boljare highway project, set to link Montenegro with European corridors via Belgrade, Radulović emphasized its potential to enhance Montenegro’s accessibility and competitiveness in attracting investments.

Furthermore, Radulović emphasized the government’s commitment to transforming the Port of Bar into a leading international cargo hub, necessitating substantial investments in both road and rail infrastructure. He underscored the significant role of railways in fostering cooperation between Montenegro and the Czech Republic.

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Radulović noted the existing collaboration with Czech companies, dating back to 2006 during the renovation and electrification of the Nikšić-Podgorica railway line. Looking ahead, he outlined forthcoming major railway projects, including the rehabilitation of the Lutovo-Bratonožići-Bioče railway section, the reconstruction of the Bar-Golubovci line, and the acquisition of electric passenger trains. Radulović expressed confidence in the expertise of Czech companies in this sector and anticipated their active participation in tenders for these projects.

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