The average gross salary in July 2023 in Montenegro was EUR 993, while the average salary without taxes and contributions, i.e. net salary, was EUR 797, Monstat data show.
The average net salary in July 2023 compared to June 2023 recorded an increase of 0.3%, while the average net salary in July 2023 compared to the same month of the previous year recorded an increase of 11.6%.
When average salaries are looked at by sector, only eight sectors of the Montenegrin economy can boast of above average earnings, while the rest are below average.
Earnings have increased in most sectors, with employees in finance earning the most
By sector of activity, average net earnings in July recorded growth in the sectors of other service activities, 2.3%, artistic entertainment and recreational activities, two percent, manufacturing industry, 1.8%, construction, 1.6%, professional, scientific and technical activities, 1.3%, transport, 0.9%, finance, administrative and auxiliary service activities, 0.8%, accommodation and food services, 0.7%, water supply and trade, 0.6%, agriculture , forestry and fisheries and health and social protection, 0.3%.
The highest average earnings were recorded in the financial sector, EUR 1,267, almost 60% more than the average.
The financial sector is followed by the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector, where the average salary is EUR 1,249.
The sectors of mining, EUR 1,052, and information and communication, EUR 1,011, can boast average earnings of over one thousand euros.
Somewhat lower earnings, but still above the national average, are earned by employees in the real estate business sectors, EUR 955, state administration and defense, EUR 912, health and social protection, EUR 900, and the education sector, which is slightly above the average with EUR 800.
The sectors in which wages are below the average are led by construction, where the average wage is 755 EUR, transport, with an average wage of 750 EUR, the arts and agriculture and forestry sectors, which record an average of 723 EUR each, followed immediately by workers in accommodation services , whose average salary is lower by two euros and amounts to 721.
The science and technology sector has an average of EUR 715, the water supply sector and similar activities EUR 687, while in the trade sector, as the largest part of the Montenegrin economy, the average salary is EUR 666. Other service activities have an average of EUR 654, auxiliary services EUR 642, and the lowest average wages, far below the national average, are received by employees in the processing industry sector, only EUR 631.