NewsMontenegro's Nikšić Steel Mill: Deliberate decision-making for a sustainable future

Montenegro’s Nikšić Steel Mill: Deliberate decision-making for a sustainable future

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Until June 28, when the shareholders’ assembly of Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) convenes, decisions regarding the Nikšić Steel Mill must be deliberate and cautious, Minister of Energy and Mining Saša Mujović emphasized in an interview with RTNK. Mujović expressed readiness to request postponement of the decision-making process until a clear and viable solution is reached, beneficial for the factory’s sustainability.

During a meeting with members of the parliamentary Commission for Monitoring and Control of Privatization in the Steel Mill, Mujović discussed the significant losses EPCG incurs due to the mill’s operation. He underscored the need for privatization to secure a strategic partner capable of assuming employee responsibilities and associated costs.

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Mujović outlined two substantial offers currently under consideration.

“We are assessing all viewpoints as our responsibility dictates, addressing contentious contract terms, notably with 8B Capital, to determine if adjustments can resolve these issues,” Mujović stated.

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The second offer, proposed by Duferko, involves a strategic partnership with substantial state investment requirements but lacks assurances of project success.

Regarding Duferko’s financial request from the Government, Mujović disclosed it amounts to approximately EUR 125 million over five years. He highlighted Duferko’s intention to leverage these funds for management and expertise aimed at revitalizing the Steel Mill into a profitable venture within a specified timeframe.

Mujović dismissed the offer from Turkish company Enec as unsuitable, citing excessive demands beyond Montenegro’s stipulated requirements.

He stressed the involvement of the Parliament of Montenegro alongside the Ministry and EPCG, detailing the commission’s review of public tender procedures for leasing factory facilities and ongoing negotiations with 8B Capital. Commission members visited the Steel Mill after their meeting.

“We’ve invited the parliamentary committee overseeing privatization to provide insights, enabling MPs to offer analyses and advice on contract evaluations, ensuring informed decisions,” Mujović stated.

Concluding, Mujović emphasized the need for meticulous consideration to deliver the best outcome for workers, Nikšić, and Montenegro, urging against hasty decisions.

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