EBRD secures €28 million loan for Montenegro’s Brezna substation upgrade to boost renewable energy integration

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has granted a state-backed loan of up to €28 million to Montenegro’s power transmission system (CGES)...

Montenegro’s transmission system operator to initiate stronger regional collaboration for energy security

Montenegro’s Energy Minister, Saša Mujović, announced that the Montenegrin Electricity Transmission System (CGES) will spearhead efforts to enhance regional cooperation among transmission system operators...

CGES announces €10 million dividend from €35.7 million profit

CGES has announced plans to distribute a dividend of €10 million to its shareholders, sourced from a total profit of €35.7 million earned in...

Trans-Balkan power corridor: Boosting regional energy integration and renewable sources

The Trans-Balkan electrical power corridor represents a significant stride toward regional energy integration and provides a foundation for further development of renewable energy sources....
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Montenegro moves forward with EBRD-backed substation project

The draft loan agreement between Montenegrin Transmission System (CGES) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), proposing a state guarantee of 28...

Montenegro’s BELEN Exchange: Shaping the future of electricity pricing

Montenegro's Electricity Exchange (BELEN) was founded in 2017 and has primarily functioned as a wholesale marketplace for electricity trading, indirectly influencing consumer prices paid...
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