NewsPayment transactions 2.78 billion EUR

Payment transactions 2.78 billion EUR

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The value of the realized payment transactions for 23 working days in December amounted to 2.78 billion EUR, which is approximately 60% more than in November, according to the data from the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG).

Of this, 95.16% was realized in the Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system, and the rest in the Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) system.

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In the RTGS system, individual payment transactions between participants are carried out on a gross basis in real-time, while in the DNS system, interbank payment transactions are settled on a net basis in deferred time.

“In December, for 23 working days, 1.35 million orders were processed, of which 37.47% in the RTGS system, and the rest in the DNS system,” stated the CBCG report.

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The average daily volume of realized payment transactions in the RTGS and DNS systems, expressed in the number of orders, was 58.79 thousand orders, while the average daily value of payment transactions amounted to 120.87 million EUR.

In December, there were no interruptions in the operation of the system for 12.02 thousand minutes of production, resulting in 100% system availability.

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