NewsMontenegro's Conditional Support for Buk Bijela Hydroelectric Project

Montenegro’s Conditional Support for Buk Bijela Hydroelectric Project

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Montenegrin Minister of Energy and Mining, Saša Mujović, expressed that Montenegro is ready to support the Buk Bijela hydroelectric power plant project, provided it does not harm the country.

The Republika Srpska, in collaboration with the Republic of Serbia, plans to construct the Buk Bijela hydroelectric power plant.

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Following his working visit to Trebinje, invited by his colleague Petar Đokić, Mujović emphasized Montenegro’s intent to be a constructive neighbor.

“We are willing to support this project as long as it does not pose a threat to Montenegro. This project has faced some challenges during its implementation, some of which concern Montenegro, particularly regarding potential environmental impacts. This issue is under the purview of the Montenegrin Ministry of Tourism and Ecology. We will review their stance and the environmental analyses,” Mujović stated. He added that if the project is found to have no negative environmental impact on Montenegro, the country supports its execution.

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“I can assure you that if there are no adverse effects on Montenegro’s environment, we are fully in favor of the project’s completion. The Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia should benefit significantly. As I’ve mentioned before, their success can only bring positive outcomes for us. Montenegro does not seek to inflate its importance or overstep its rights. We are obligated to protect our interests, and anything beyond that is unacceptable. If our interests are safeguarded, we wish the project success and hope it is completed swiftly,” Mujović concluded after his working visit to Trebinje.

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