Tag: negotiations

Montenegro, Port of Bar should be a business entity

The state wants to regain the Port of Bar, negotiations are underway with the Turkish company Port of Adria, and after the purchase of...

Montenegro, In negotiations with Port of Adria for buying a part of the Port of Bar

The Montenegrin government will buy part of the Port of Bar managed by the Turkish company „Port of Adria“ for ten million euros, and...

Montenegro risks losing the trust of the European Union

At the beginning of next year, the European Union may consider suspending the negotiation process with Montenegro if the country fails to create functioning...

Montenegro cannot close chapters in negotiations with the EU until they build fishing ports

In 2018, Montenegro signed a loan agreement with the World Bank (WB) for the implementation of the MIDAS 2 project, which, among other things,...
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The state intensified negotiations on borrowing with domestic banks

In accordance with the determination of the Ministry of Finance and the Government to provide the missing funds for the financial rounding of the...
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