Tag: finances

Still no direct payment transaction between Montenegro and Serbia

While relations between official Podgorica and Belgrade have never been better, it cannot be said that the benefits of this cooperation are felt by...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, International Investment Position

In 2019, the Central Bank of Montenegro has published for the first time the net international investment position (NIIP) of Montenegro, which is a...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, Financial Account

In the period January–September 2021, the portfolio investments account recorded a net outflow of 396.5 million euro, while the net outflow on the other...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, Financial Sector

At the end of Q3 2021, the main characteristics of the financial sector are stability and moderate level of systemic risk. Temporary measures of...
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Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, Lending Activity of Banks

The banking sector of Montenegro made a strong contribution to the Montenegrin economy rebound, which was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020....

How a Chinese-built highway drove Montenegro deep into debt

The section of highway that threatens to cripple Montenegro's economy begins in the foothills outside the capital Podgorica, where scaffolding lines a multi-lane expressway...
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