Tag: employees

Montenegro’s labor disputes: Over 1,200 resolutions in 2023, with ongoing budget challenges

In 2023, the Agency for the Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes in Montenegro concluded 1,230 agreements between employees and their employers, according to data...

Montenegro Union receives complaints over salary increases; expects employers to honor agreements

The Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG) has already received feedback from citizens following the start of increased salary payments at the...

New Collective Agreement signed at Airports of Montenegro, enhancing employees’ rights and benefits

Representatives from Airports of Montenegro (ACG) and two major trade unions have signed a new Collective Agreement, marking a significant step towards improving the...

Montenegrin Parliament adopts Labor Law amendments: Employees to receive permanent contracts after 24 months

The Montenegrin Parliament has passed significant amendments to the Labor Law, which will now allow employees to receive permanent contracts after 24 months, down...
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Montenegro to increase wages for 300,000 employees starting October 1

Starting October 1, approximately 300,000 employees in Montenegro will see an increase in their wages, according to Finance Minister Novica Vuković. In a statement addressing...

Overtime work trends across European nations: Montenegro’s unique increase

In Montenegro, there has been a noticeable uptick in the number of employees working overtime in recent years. According to Eurostat figures, the percentage...
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