NewsPrime Minister highlights the importance of the third section of the highway...

Prime Minister highlights the importance of the third section of the highway and infrastructure development projects in Montenegro

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Prime Minister Milojko Spajić has underscored the significance of advancing the third section of the highway from Andrijevica to Boljare. The selection process for a designer to create the conceptual project has begun, paving the way for construction agreements to follow.

Spajić noted that the progress on the second section of the highway does not fully align with the government’s goals of developing a crucial road network by 2030. The completion of the third section, from Andrijevica to Boljare, is critical. This section’s full functionality will rely on the completion of the highway from Požega to the Montenegro border in Serbia.

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The third section is planned to cover approximately 50 kilometers, with an estimated cost of around 880 million euros. Spajić emphasized that intensified collaboration with Serbian partners will be crucial for optimal construction, with support from the European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) through grants and favorable loans for the Mateševo to Andrijevica section.

A prequalification tender for the main design and construction of this section was published in April, attracting bids from four companies and three consortiums. The evaluation of these bids is currently underway, followed by a second phase for submitting offers and selecting the contractor.

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The government is also advancing other significant infrastructure projects. The reconstruction of the Rožaje-Špiljane and Lubnice-Jezerine roads has been completed, while landslide remediation at Dobrakovo is ongoing. Upcoming tenders include the reconstruction of the Bijelo Polje-Dobrakovo, Berane-Rožaje, and Petnjica-Bioče roads, and the Rožaje bypass.

Additionally, work is progressing on the reconstruction of the Andrijevica-Trešnjevik and Berane-Gusinje-Grnčar roads. A Safety Study for the Berane-Gusinje-Grnčar road is also in progress.

Spajić revealed that an investment of around 130 million euros is planned for 120 kilometers of road infrastructure in northern Montenegro, excluding the highway and expressway projects. This investment reflects the government’s commitment to accelerating development in this region.

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